Course Instructor Paul

Course Instructor Paul

Paul Lawrence Vann is your course instructor. He is founder and President of Wealth Building Academy, LLC which is a leadership consultancy. Paul is looking forward to sharing his leadership expertise with you on this journey.

Paul served over 20 years in the United States Air Force (USAF), 12 consecutive years in the DoD, along with a year as a Capitol Hill Fellow working for a member of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives. He attended every leadership school the USAF offered.

His goal is to help you becoming a better leader through this digital course. You will have access to Paul from the start to the completion of this 12-week hybrid (recorded and live) course and when you graduate you will be positioned to become a leader and become competitive in your industry.

About This Course

Did you know that 92% of all employees across all industries is at risk of leaving their current employer to find better opportunities?

During the pandemic the first thing to be taken out of the company budget was funding for training because people were working from home and this caused a backlog for employees and leaders in terms of training access to upgrade their skill sets.

The end result of the backlog is that 65% of employees need to be upskilled by the year 2027.

Get Upskilled & Close Skill Gaps Through Leadership Development is a hybrid course that helps students become good leaders. Why?

It is no longer feasible to just have a leader with the title (president, executive director) receive leadership development training, what is needed in today's workplace is for all members of the staff to receive leadership training and the influence of the leader is the most important part of the process.

You will have access to Paul, he is a leadership expert having served over 20 years as a USAF military officer who attended every leadership school the USAF had to offer. Paul is the author of the book, Leadership Is Influence, and he delivers keynote addresses, breakout sessions, leadership core competency programs for organizations and he leads Wealth Academy Podcast and the Leadership Is Influence, YouTube Channel as well.

Choose a Pricing Option

One-time payment for this beta course or the multiple payments option.

First 20 beta students - 50% off Discount Code: UPSKILLED-COURSE-DISCOUNT

The Book That Started A Movement

Whether you are aware of it or not, we are all leaders. We all have to lead our lives thus we are all leaders. Some people think that in order to be a leader a title must be bestowed upon them, however that is not the case.

What is most important is that you do everything in your power to learn what it takes to become the best leader you can be. Leadership Is Influence is a blueprint that helps readers become leaders and ultimately the goal of this book is for you to become a leader of influence.

My three-pronged approach to become a leader of influence will assist you along your leadership journey, get you copy today.

Link to book: